About us
General Practice Jobs is designed to help you find the right candidates as quickly as possible. Whether you are looking for the latest graduates or experienced healthcare professionals, create a free account and start searching today.
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- Help candidates find you first by completing your company profile.
- Advertise your latest vacancies online
- Keep track of all your applications
- Search for specific candidates in our online CV database
- Create e-mail alerts for the latest candidates signing up to our database.
If you would like to open an account with us today, contact us on 020 8267 8434 or email hbm.recruitment@haymarket.com.
Cancellation Policy
You have the right to cancel your booking within 14 days of confirming in writing. However if you use the quickpost link or send us the job copy to upload on your behalf then you waive your cancellation rights. If you have agreed to a monthly contract then you must give us two months notice if you wish to cancel. You will be liable for any invoices due in the 2 month period after you notify us in writing that you wish to cancel and you will have access to the contracted services for that time period.
For enquiries, call 020 8267 8434 or email hbm.recruitment@haymarket.com